I was laid off back in July 2012. From July 2012 to September 2013 I had some work but it was only temporary and part time. I eventually got hired working up to 40hrs/wk starting in September 2013. I still remain as a part time employee having the potential to work up to 40hrs/wk with occasional overtime. My youngest son had been born in July 2012 so it was quite a challenge to pursue in getting back my old job and care for a newborn. The reason for this post is to let you know that I had put my own money and time into marketing The FreeRxPlus program before I was laid off. The small bed hospital that I used to work for had shut down right after my 6 weeks of family medical leave. I wasn't able to visit the physician offices personally like I did before to deliver Rx cards to them. When caring for a newborn I really can't go out in public and risk getting my baby sick. So I've tried to get the word out on through direct mail and FaceBook. How many more people could I have helped save money? I wasn't in a position to give a job let alone get a job for myself but did manage to save the community a small bit of money that could easily add up to one small family's income here in The Rio Grande Valley. I ask you to please visit (and LIKE) my FaceBook page The Free Card Man and tell others about this free program. Job or no job I need your help more than ever. I appreciate every effort you make that helps me help out others. Thank you.
Data from July 21,2012 to September 1,2013
Total Transactions: 1,468
Total Savings: $36,246.31
Savings Per Script: $28.81
Average Savings: $37.61
Brand Transactions: 119
Brand Percentage: 8.05%
Generic Transactions: 1,349
Generic Percentage: 91.95%
U&C Transactions: 508
U&C Percentage: 31.43