Monday, January 27, 2014

Tips and Suggestions for Alleviating Snoring

Almost everyone snores on occasion, and though they may joke or find humor in someone else’s sleeping noises, snoring can be a sign of deeper health issues. If you’re a frequent snorer, not only can it affect the quality and amount of sleep you receive, but it also has an effect on how your family members sleep as well.

Types of Snoring

Believe it or not, there are different types of snoring and they affect each individual differently. Those who snore on occasion may do so as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, lack of good sleep, or abnormal sleeping posture. Those who habitually or frequently snore often have too much throat or nasal tissue in the way that is prone to vibrate as they breathe. They can also have issues with muscle control and how the tongue is positioned during rest. If not treated, these issues can cause a person to wake up over loss of breath, or experience other health issues such as daytime fatigue or even heart disease.

Causes of Snoring and Alleviating the Symptoms

Causes of snoring can include, age, body type, sinus problems, and sleep posture among other factors. Some of these causes can be helped by practicing good nutrition and sleeping habits, as well as getting plenty of physical activity to maintain a healthy weight. But if snoring is persistent despite these changes, it may be necessary to look at other methods to solve the problem.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP) - Used to treat sleep apnea and other sleep conditions, this device keeps the airway open by having the user wear a mask that continuously supplies the wearer with pressurized air to assist with breathing.
Surgery Options - If the airway is restricted from sinus issues or swollen tonsils or adenoids, sometimes these can be removed and will reduce snoring all together.
Dental Devices - Similar to an athletic mouth guard, these devices are considered very effective in reducing and alleviating snoring by bringing the jaw or tongue forward during sleep to open the airways.

Dental devices, CPAP Machines, and Surgery are all something to discuss with your doctor if the snoring is interfering with your sleep or the rest of someone else. For more information, consult for anti-snoring mouthpieces, or a sleep specialists to discuss other options.

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