Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Adults can enroll themselves online 24/7 at http://InsureMyParts.com. Mr. Girard just expanded to every state where this is still an option from the most well known top A rated carriers in the nation. In some states, with some carriers, new enrollees only have until Dec. 15, others until Dec 30. So time is of the essence.
InsureMyParts.com was designed by Mr. R. Girard, a licensed Health & Life insurance agent whose goal is to help individuals and families across the U.S. sign up for health insurance online 24/7 from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.
Because the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has become a reality, millions of U.S. citizens have received cancellation letters from their insurance companies, informing them that the Government mandates new plans with new coverage at new prices that are difficult for many to budget in the coming year.
Mr. Girard wants to give people a reprieve all over this great country by letting them know that they have the option of signing up for a brand new 2013 Major Medical Health Insurance Plan that could be significantly less expensive than many of the new "Obamacare" plans.
These 2013 Plans allow new enrollees to avoid the 1% income tax penalty for not having creditable health insurance coverage in 2014. Enrollees can also keep their coverage for 1 full year or until the end of 2014. But not all companies are doing this in all states.
That is why Mr. Girard is working diligently to update this site so that men and women in 36 states + D.C. who visit InsureMyParts.com can quickly find only companies, plans, and prices that are still available, giving them a one year reprieve, IF they can pass through underwriting.
Will buying short term also work in avoiding the tax penalty?
"It can count as creditable coverage; however, in some cases (perhaps
all) the policies will not be renewed ... so for example with Humana you
can get 1 to 6 months coverage but once your term expires you can not
even apply for a new short term plan with them - you will be instructed
on how to acquire a new 2014 long term major medical plan. To avoid
the tax penalty you will need to have continuous coverage."It's still 2013 - which means it's not too late. But the door is closing quickly.
" Won't you please help me spread the word? Families, couples, and single people could lose their coverage not realizing they had these options at these prices." ~ Mr. Girard
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