Saturday, February 7, 2015

Lower Body Weight : Why Green Is Better?

courtesy of Praisaeng/
I've helped many people save money on prescription drugs that are for cholesterol reduction and blood pressure regulation.  But today we should focus on a non drug way to combat heart disease and high cholesterol levels in the blood. As a Lab Tech I've worked on many patients that had a turbid and milky supernatant after a blood collection for chemistry test. The patients who keep a low fat diet usually have a clear and transparent serum after centrifugation (see photo here : I sure don't know anyone who eats a salad or vegetables every day let alone in one year touch it. Few people do but I do not see many.  If you are very serious about losing weight and lowering cholesterol levels then you should consider following a trend popular in Europe and of the many metropolitan cities in America. A new franchise called Green Is Better is making a healthier option to eat more accessible to the public. You don't have to go there if you can prepare your green diet at home.  But if time doesn't allow it then perhaps Green Is Better can help out with eating a more nutritious and healthy meal whether it be at lunch or dinner.  The produce is organic and can come from a local farmers market.  I think doing this expands consumer choice and offers a solution without drugs and side effects.

I just found out that eating beets can lower your blood pressure. Read the article found here :

What are some reasons for eating a green diet?  You don't need to go cold turkey on eating meat just eat sensible lean portions and be aware of the saturated fat content you are consuming.

  1. Eat salads, fruits and vegetables for fiber content. You will feel more full, eat less, lower cholesterol, and prevent constipation.
  2. Eat salads for the health benefits from fruits and vegetables. You will have higher blood levels of nutrients that can help prevent cancer.
  3. Eat salads to cut calories and increase satisfaction.  
  4. Eat salads to get monunsaturated fats

I recommend that you read the entire article found here :


Check out how these customers enjoy their meal!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Find a job through MedJobbers : The Healthcare Hub

Hello, my name is Andy.  Are you looking for a job in the medical field?  Are you in need to hire qualified staff for your organization? We can help connect you to a healthcare exclusive network with opportunities for employment. Healthcare providers post jobs for free. We believe that by using MedJobbers health care providers can save valuable time, reduce advertising costs, hire qualified applicants faster, achieve significant cost savings with a higher return on investment, and lead the industry with a happier workforce that has an enhanced work life.

MedJobbers was started in 2012 by two founders who believed there was an easier way to connect job hrseekers and employers. Our goal was to create a simple mobile job search platform designed just for medical and we are happy to say that we have finally created it. We have been humbled and awed by the enormity of this project and how it has attracted job seekers and employers from all over the globe which has left us feeling truly blessed and inspired to do more for our members. Our path is not easy, and requires an enormous amount of resourcefulness, will and commitment from all involved- but we feel we are creating something special like no other. Continue to keep supporting us by becoming members of MedJobbers.