Sunday, October 27, 2013

Depression from life circumtances

An estimated ten percent of all Americans suffer from some form of depression during their lives. This figure varies but is pretty much the same worldwide. There are a few areas of the world that depression seems to have missed, but not many. Depression in general affects the way we behave from our sleeping patterns up to the way we think and live life.

The difference between depression and bipolar depression is in the severity and frequency. Depression alone is often brought about by life circumstances, while bipolar depression is chemically- induced and the flip side of mania. The depression and mania come in cycles, regardless of the circumstances in a person’s life.  While those suffering clinical depression are at risk of using drugs or alcohol to alleviate their symptoms, the risk is greater in those with bipolar depression. A person who knows the highs of mania may try to recreate the feeling when they are depressed or “stable”. Drugs often help create that high for a short time. This puts the person at risk of adding drug addiction to the bipolar disorder.

For more information please go to:


  1. Bipolar disorder and depression can contribute to drug and alcohol addiction. The treatment of co occurring disorders needs to be handled by a professional staff. Please view for details.

  2. How about the increased need for nicotine and its cancelling effects of prescription medicines? Do you have research on that?
